Monday, August 10, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

more white


Who's in a bunker?
Who's in a bunker?
Women and children first
And the children first
And the children
I'll laugh until my head comes off
I'll swallow till I burst
Until I burst
Until I

Who's in a bunker?
Who's in a bunker?
I have seen too much
You haven't seen enough
You haven't seen it
I'll laugh until my head comes off
Women and children first
And children first
And children

Here I'm allowed
Everything all of the time
Here I'm allowed
Everything all of the time

Ice age coming
Ice age coming
Let me hear both sides
Let me hear both sides
Let me hear both
Ice age coming
Ice age coming
Throw them in the fire
Throw them in the fire
Throw them in the

We're not scare mongering
This is really happening
We're not scare mongering
This is really happening
Mobiles quirking
Mobiles chirping
Take the money and run
Take the money and run
Take the money

Here I'm allowed (background: and first and the children x6)
Everything all of the time
Here I'm allowed
Everything all of the time

Here I'm allowed
Everything all of the time
Here I'm allowed
Everything all of the time

deaf and lost are the children (repeated)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

the most insane sky ever

Friday 26 June 2009, about 20:30, Long Island City

so surreal, you can't make this stuff up...

little bird ::: ptica

yesterday morning we went for a walk on Franklin Avenue here in Greenpoint and came home with a little bird. We don't know what kind he is, but he's a baby with fluffy brown feathers. We found him, lost and scared, bouncing around on the sidewalk and we could hear his mother in their nest on a window sill three stories above us. There was no way to reunite them, so we took him home.

A few of his friends visited our backyard yesterday afternoon, and they were chirping back and forth.

We've been feeding him a mixture of rice cereal and corn meal through a syringe, and even after just one day, he seems to be getting stronger. Maybe soon he'll be able to fly away...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

a few from belgrade

my photo blog:

Friday, June 19, 2009

muted acidic colors

in Novi Beograd, we found a huge fabric store full of random stuff...
the colors were much more inspiring than the merchandise.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


song of the day, makes me feel out of this world...

Sunday, May 24, 2009


We drove about 3 hours southwest of Belgrade last week to visit the village of Dreznik to meet an old woman who knits. The farther away you get from Belgrade, the more beautiful and raw the nature is, the cleaner the air is, very refreshing.

When we arrived at the homestead of Slava the knitter, we were greeted by 4 generations of her family who were so generous and warm, completely unspoiled, just really human. They served us homemade rakija, spinach pie, cookies, kaymak, cheese, bread...EVERYTHING grown or made on their farm, they even mill their own wheat. Wow...

pure wool, naturally colored yarn...

around Belgrade last week

Friday, May 15, 2009


We took a long walk from Dorcol across the bridge to New Belgrade with Dado, taking lots of photos along the way. It was a really good day.

Insane how practically any space is for sale.

Then we took the bus home.


A few days ago, we took a drive about an hour outside of Belgrade to the town of KORACICA, where Dragana's friends live on the mountain of KOSMAJ. Mimi and Robert (she is from Belgrade, but lived in Paris for 40 years; he was born and raised in Paris) moved here 8 years ago from France, and have not looked back since.

Maya and Eva the Schnauzer.

Mimi and Dragana's amazing lunch:
Grilled Catfish, Chicken and Sausages
Creamed Spinach with Garlic
Herbed Rice
Split Peas
Spicy Cabbage
Sauteed Carrots
Roasted Peppers with Fresh Garlic
Pan Fried Young Potatoes
Green Salad

And then we took a drive through the countryside:

And visited a local homestead belonging to the guy with the orange crocs:

Here are some of his friends.

Monday, May 11, 2009

strange skies at Salas 137


Yesterday we drove to Vanja and Aleksandra's house in the forest near the river outside of Slankamen (which means 'salty rock' in serbian). We grilled fish that we ate with salad and homemade ajvar sitting in the middle of the silent green woods.

insane skies all day.......

Saturday, May 9, 2009

maya loooooves paradais

Topola + Arandjelovac

we've been in serbia now for a week, celebrated St. George's Day, relaxed, drank lots of rakija almost every day. it's been great.

today we drove with Ivana to Topola to see an old church on the top of a hill, and then had an amazing lunch in Arandjelovac at Caffe' Aleksandar, a little oasis in the middle of a poor boring town. you would never think that this place existed. you can eat outside in their beautiful lush garden, or inside which is furnished with the highest quality of everything and decorated with old photos of serbian heritage.

i took lots of color holga shots which i'll post another time. so much fun!